25 Marketing Tips For A Successful Product Launch

According to Cincinnati based research agency AcuPoll, as many as 95% of new products launched each year fail. Why does this happen? Maybe, businesses don’t reach early adopters soon enough, or their promotional marketing programs don’t support their product introductions. Today, consumers get information from multiple sources; this requires multiple marketing channels to ensure the […]
Posted in: Marketing, Product Launch Marketing | 2 Comments »
Using Direct Mail For A New Product Launch

The purpose of direct mail is to get people to act. When launching a new product, action in the form of sales is what you need most. Direct mail is the most straightforward way to bring your product to the one buying it. Why use direct mail? What are the most effective forms of it? […]
Posted in: Direct Marketing, Marketing, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »
Press Kits Grab Attention For Your Product Launch

Everyone wants to get as much attention or media coverage as possible when launching their new product. Press kits make this happen. Journalists, bloggers, reporters and news editors get press releases for new product launches all the time. By providing them with more information by means of your press packet, you’re giving yourself a better […]
Posted in: Marketing, Product Launch Marketing, Public Relations | No Comments »
5 Ways Promotional Gifts Can Launch Your New Product

It’s obvious that there’s way more to the launch of a new product or service than simply using a few promotional items. But the items that you do pick can go a long way. Promotional products allow you to be creative and give your customers something fun and useful that also helps promote your product […]
Posted in: Marketing, Product Launch Marketing, Promotional Marketing | No Comments »
Your 10-Part New Product Launch Plan

Successful product launches are not singular events. They are processes. They require plans. These plans must be committed to by all members of your staff – which means everyone involved in the project must be aware of their responsibilities. Time-frames, strategies and objectives all need to be outlined and detailed. These 10 areas represent what […]
Posted in: Marketing, Marketing Plans, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »
Supercharge Your Product Launch With A Unique Value Proposition

Why should your ideal customer buy your new product and not your competitor’s? If you have an answer for that question, then you’ve already established your unique value proposition (UVP). Ask yourself this: what is it about my product that makes it so compelling that even if it was unavailable, my clients or customers would […]
Posted in: Marketing, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »
Identifying And Targeting Early Adopters

Early adopters embrace new products, services and technology before most other people do. From being the first to buy a 3D HDTV, to having that brand new app for their phone, they enjoy using new products sooner than their peers. Statistician Everett Rogers developed a theory called the Diffusion of Innovations that stated early adopters […]
Posted in: Branding, Market Research, Marketing, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »
Zeroing In: How To Identify Your Target Audience

A well defined target audience for your new product launch has never been more important. You can’t possibly speak to everyone. By targeting a specific group, you’re not excluding those who don’t fit in that group; you’re just focusing your efforts (whether that’s dollars or branding) on those most likely to buy from you. It’s a more efficient way to reach your clientele.
Identify your average buyer and mold your marketing accordingly, this allows you to build a solid foundation for your launch. Say that you’re a car company preparing to launch a new crossover. You can choose to target those who are age 30-65 with household incomes of $90,000+. To further refine your market, you might want to target people with families or young children. It can be also broken down a step further by singling out women. By clearly focusing on your audience, it becomes much easier to market your product.
Posted in: Branding, Market Research, Marketing, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »
3 Critical Pieces Of Promotional Literature For Your New Product Launch

A business can flounder without the proper promotional literature in place to support a product launch. You would never want to go into a meeting without something that you could leave behind for people to remember you by. Something like a brochure or business card that they can touch. Your sales staff needs these products […]
Posted in: Marketing, Print Design, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »
Why It’s Crucial To Study The Competition

You’re eager to get your target audience to purchase your new product and have it become a success… but so is the competition. They want your business. They want your product or service to fail. They will offer whatever they can to take customers away from you. There is a never-ending struggle between businesses to […]
Posted in: Branding, Market Research, Marketing, Product Launch Marketing | No Comments »