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About Us

Our Mission
We empower small businesses by enabling them to transform their ideas into marketing materials they can be proud of.

Who We Are
We’re not some cookie-cutter design factory. We’re real people who are passionate about marketing. We excel at expressing ideas through words and images, and our expertise and enthusiasm allow us to make your custom printed products a seamless extension of your company’s ideals. We go the extra mile to ensure that your design process is as easy and painless as possible.

  • inkGeeks – work directly with you, sharing our extensive knowledge and creating unique and innovative printed designs. We translate your ideas into gorgeous and professional products.
  • inkGeek Evangelist – imparts wisdom online and spreads the word about the ins and outs of design and marketing.

Our Credo
Read the standards by which we operate our business and serve our customers in our credo.

Eco-Friendly Principles
We're committed to keeping our planet healthy and happy. Post-consumer waste paper and soy-based inks are just a few of the ways we stay environmentally friendly.

Vladimir Gendelman, CEO: his vision and the birth of Printwand.

Our Clients
Meet our satisfied clients and hear what they have to say about their experience.

Media Room
Stay up to date with the latest news, announcements, and other important press information.

We champion knowledgeable and skilled employees. Discover an array of exciting career and internship opportunities at Printwand.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments related to our products or services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.